Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My favorite part of reading...

Discovering that book you just can't put down! This started at a young age for me--I suppose I focused on the lower-brow books when I started gobbling up books in about the 3rd grade, but I was such an avaricious reader that I read too fast to keep up with our frequent trips to the Bozeman Public Library. As a result, I read books like The Secret Life of Lobsters and The Bible along with Nancy Drew and Goosebumps. I take great pleasure in any form of reading, including the so-called "lowbrow" books, a term I completely detest. Yes, I've read and enjoyed many of the great classics--they're classics for a reason--such as Anna Karenina, a personal favorite, and The Grapes of Wrath and many many more. You can't be an English major and not read an array of wonderful books, even if you're a forgetful student like me. However, I also have loved many of the books that are viewed to have no academic worth, like Harry Potter and Nora Roberts, both author's of books I have read at least five times, no joke.
Perhaps this makes me a bad English student. Gwendolyn Morgan once told me I should only read books that are outside of my comfort zone. I definitely do this, again, English major, and James Joyce is certainly outside of my comfort zone, but I also believe there is great power in your comfort books, books read purely for entertainment. If nothing else, it's better than T.V., right?

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