Monday, April 12, 2010

Paper Continued, Reconsidered

It is the responsibility of the writer to tell a story...and that the story often reflects more about the writer than the subject of the story, like in Hamlet. The one who tells the story IS the story...and it is the sacred duty of the English major to tell this story, and it is our duty to write our capstone paper, the best paper we've EVER written.

In my end is my beginning...for me, one of the most prominent lines of Eliot. As in any solidly written paper, the conclusion will in some way reflect back to the introduction. As for the papers of my peers, this is obviously a theme they are going with.

My paper ideas have expanded, changed, even as I started writing the first paragraph. I found more inspiration in the poems of Coleridge and Blake, as well as Annie Dillard and Gary Snyder. All expanding away from my previous basis in Ovid and the Greek myths, still using those, but focusing more on nature and metamorphosis. As Dr. Sexson pointed out, most of Ovid's changes revolve around people turning into trees and whatnot...but this is still a life, and existence, a kind of epiphany.

I still don't have a specific thesis, but the paper is coming along and so is the pressure.........

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